My Tennessee Fixer Upper

I wanted out of the heat of Texas, I wanted green mountains, and I wanted cheaper. I found a heck of a deal in Jacksboro, TN — a foreclosure at a great price but obviously not without shortcomings.

I’m about 3 miles outside of town on a lot that has a view of the Cumberland Mountain Ridge from the front windows. Well at least a view while the leaves are down in winter — not sure I’ll be able to see much when the leaves come out in spring. I have so many gorgeous state parks within 30 miles I don’t care. When the leaves come out I’ll be busy and enthralled.

The living area, kitchen, and den area in basement had chair rail that I wasn’t wild about. It’s mostly removed and will completely be gone soon. It just didn’t work for me.


Every wall in the house had been spray painted with a fairly dark gold paint of such incredible low quality I would love to know how the painter got it. If you bump the wall it comes off. If you try to wipe a spot of the wall you end up with a gold rag. The worst part is every living last room is the same gold color. Yuck. The only good thing about the paint is that all the overspray that is one everything is scrubbing off…

The first week I was here I ripped the railing off the living room and hall and painted it a pale yellow to go with my furniture.


I badly needed to eliminate the insanity in at least one room. While it’s a work in progress, at least it’s an oasis in the torn up, packed up rest of the house. I have things weighing down the end of the rug I ordered from to try to flatten it out.

Massive To Do List

I’m overwhelmed at this point and end up getting distracted. I don’t know if I should unpack boxes, clean, or start renovations. I have rooms to paint, drywall to repair before that, chair rail to rip off, kitchen cabinets to paint. That’s just for starters.

The first thing I need to do is get organized and prioritize so I don’t go crazy. I think the kitchen needs to be addressed first since I refuse to unpack kitchen stuff until the cabinets are done

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