Removing soap scum – great article!

As part of my shower repair project I wanted to do a really good cleaning to remove soap scum and hard water accumulation. A job I absolutely dread — partly because it’s such hard work and because I’m never sure what’s the least painful product to use. I’m always worried I’ve missed some great product that would make it really easy.

Enter the Manly Housekeeper. He explains why soap scum and hard water become such a problem and then tests 6 well known products to see which works best. He taped off 6 sections of a glass shower wall and took pictures of how each one worked. Check out the whole article at:

Needless to say I promptly went out and got Barkeeper’s Friend to clean my showers. Thank you to the Manly Housekeeper for the work and great information! I’ll be checking out more of your articles.


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