Improving pantry shelving

Improving pantry shelves -

I moved into a home with a decent size pantry, but it only had three 12” deep wire shelves. While I find them tolerable in clothes closets, I don’t like the way everything falls over on wire shelves in a pantry. It was really a pitiful use of space that wasn’t going to work for me and I wanted to improve the pantry shelving BEFORE I started unloading boxes.   I went to Home Depot and purchased four tracks and shelf clips which are technically called pilaster standards and supports. I also bought a 4’ x 8’ sheet ¾” MDF. I … Read more…

DIY shelves for garage storage

DIY shelves for garage storage -

After moving I was desperately in need of storage space in the garage (I basically went from a 4 car garage to a small 2 car garage – talk about downsizing) and after researching I decided to design something similar to the shelves on DIY Design Fanatic with some minor modifications. Another site suggested moving the legs in at least 5” from ends to prevent sagging in the middle of the shelves, at the last-minute I decided to add center supports under each shelf. Other than that, DIY Design Fanatic had a perfect plan. Below is my finished DIY garage … Read more…

Fruit container as storage basket

Fruit container as storage basket - The DIY Girl

I love to re-purpose things and when I found myself getting annoyed every time I wanted to make a cut on my compound miter saw because I couldn’t remember where I had set my safety glasses down or put the pencil I decided I needed a solution. I eat strawberries all the time so I grabbed a recently emptied clear basket and cut the top off. There were openings near the top where a cable tie could be threaded through so I made a couple of more holes about half way down the container. Two cables ties and it was … Read more…